Visit The Crystality Showroom
A great day out to browse and enjoy thousands of magnificent minerals, take your time to enjoy the full range in person.
Open: Fridays 12noon - 7pm
and Saturdays 11am to 7pm

Large display Crystals

Fine Mineral Specimens
​There are thousands of different specimens currently in stock, including some very rare fine minerals such as Ajoite, high grade fluorite and tourmaline. We have a wide range of crystal clusters and special minerals. We have a range of large display crystals such as Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Celestite.
A warm welcome awaits you at Crystality where you can enjoy the minerals and crystals for as long as you'd like and enjoy free hot or cold drinks alongside your crystals.
The Crystality Mineral Showroom specialises in a range of high quality Crystal Clusters and rare mineral Specimens